Sad about the MAD: Hibbs continues 4/4

MADMAN ATOMIC COMICS! #1: I have to admit I was deeply disapointed in this. Admittedly, MADMAN has been off the market since... 2000 or so? And so I guess I understand the intellectual decision to make this an All-Recap issue, but the problem with a plot-driven recap is that it doesn't give an idea, really at all, of how FUN Madman could be. And, despite Allred clearly being driven to get to his uber-plot of "The Four" and all of that, that was probably the bits of the previous run(s) that I liked the least.

I had really thought, especially with a title like "Madman Atomic Comics!" (with the exclamation point and all), that this was going to focus on the Ginchy Fun bits -- sort of like that Paul Rivoche pin-up towards the back; but, instead (especailly with that ending), it was actually kind of dour.

Because its all (or, at least, primarily) flashback, I suspect many long-time Mad-Heads are going to be like me (disapointed), and new-to-the-character readers won't exactly understand what the appeal was.

And appeal there very much WAS I really really want to sing you the praises of MADMAN... maybe next issue?

What did you think?
