Attend The Tale: Hibbs Eats A Bug.

Yes, it happened, and I was there to see it. Sadly, we were not able to catch this event in all the full videographic glory it deserves, since, at a crucial moment, my camera decided it didn't understand what it was being asked to do when someone pushed the shutter button. Until I prepare my signed deposition testifying that Hibbs did indeed eat a bug, you'll have to make do with these delightful pictures. And by "delightful," I mean, "not for the squeamish," as some of the faces Hibbs makes are...not for the timid. Anyhoo. Here's our first photo, where our man looks very sad that he ever expressed doubt that Ultimate Spider-Man would last in the marketplace and that he would eat a bug if it made 100 issues:

From Bug Hibbs

And here we see him preparing to eat the wee beastie:

From Bug Hibbs

And just so you don't think there's any sleight of hand involved, please see the following blown-up image:

From Bug Hibbs

From there, our tiny friend traveled to the mouth of Mr. Hibbs. I'd like to say it was quick and painless, but at least for Brian, it was neither:

From Bug Hibbs

(I know I should have adjusted the color balance on that one but, not only am I no Joe or Janie Photoshop, if I remember correctly, Brian really did change colors as he ate.)

Finally, Mr. Hibbs produces proof that he devoured the cricket. After this picture, he went outside for a very long time, where I believe he retched, smoked a cigarette, and tried to wash his mouth out with soda all at the same time:

From Bug Hibbs

And there you have it--a fitting gift for your Friday the 13th. I'm sure my awful karma for participating in this event will return fivefold shortly. Have a great weekend!